Wednesday, October 20, 2010

McDonald that is an Irish name?

McDonald that is an Irish name?

The founder of a restaurant would be turning over in his grave if he knew what it did to Irishmen who are more prone to Celiac Disease today.

As an Irishman I have found this to be the sickest food that I have ever eaten. It should come as no surprise to them because I have written them an article telling them so.

If you want to change America a good place to start would be its popular culture diet. This should be more healthy. And it should all be Irishman approved, by me.

The meat in these hamburgers often turns my stomach. It is either the quality of the meat itself, how the hamburger meat was processed or the additives in it or it was cooked on hot plates that are not cleaned to be absent of germs, cleaning chemicals or other.

And once again I will tell you that mayonnaise is easily prone to breeding bacteria and has no place in our food.

Your onions taste nothing like onions, they taste like chives not onions.

Your ketchup and mustard are commodity items; Irishmen can taste and feel the difference when they compare it to organic. You slather that ketchup and mustard on there and no one could ever taste the meat underneath. My Irish father always complained about your food when I was young, but I always wanted to go there. Today I have become like my Irish father concerning your food and I am not afraid to articulate my concerns regarding it from the highest mountain.

The lightly toasted marshmallow bread often makes me lethargic, tired and then flue stricken. These buns are awful. I will not eat there.

For a while the chicken nuggets were safe but then these greasy germed delights gave me an ulcer. The sugar laden sodas on your menu do nothing for the health of the Irish American and lend to worsened ulcers, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Why the heck after so many years in business can you not find a healthier alternative to spew out of those tappers? You want to help Irishmen across the nation or world you ought to serve a nonalcoholic stout or a carbonated chicory type coffee drink.

Wake up Ronald and quit turning Irish Americans on your spit.

McDonalds I implore you to change for good for the betterment of surviving Irishmen all across this country. Your food needs to be cooked in a more home-style fashion with less preservatives.

In this day and age all your meat should be cooked to well done. Every single one of your hamburger buns needs to be toasted to a consistency throughout. Your salads have an odd crispness probably from some type of preservative. The grains in your wraps are awful and these wrapping would also need to be toasted thoroughly if you want to maintain your image. You are putting forth a bad image of the Irish name in every way at your restaurants. Your food is not healthy for Irishmen in any way. I cannot find anything on your menu that I can safely eat.

Your shakes and malts are also no good for the Irish prone to Celiac disease.

Your whole business makes me wonder if you are a plan by Satan to sicken and steal the souls of Irish Americans.

I have been made sick by your food so many times that I find the sight of your Golden Arches an eye sore. Your food contributes ever so subtly to the degradation and health of all Irish Americans.

You can take any action against me that you want, but I speak a very important truth concerning all Irish Americans. Your food exists to profit to the detriment of the health and well-being of all Irish Americans. All your food and processes should be approved by Irish Americans with Celiac disease otherwise you are a sickening disgrace to Irish Americans, Ireland and the United States of America.

I have given you plenty of time to clean up your act since I wrote to you with my concerns to no avail and must therefore now make them public.

It would be nice if those golden arches meant something positive and healthy to Irish Americans, I know they do not.

God Bless Ireland

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

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