Sunday, October 3, 2010

Slave Traders Feed Sugar

Slave Traders Feed Sugar 07 07 2010

When they brought slaves to this country did they stop in Jamaica first to give them a good dose of sugar?

Did the sugar make them more docile and controllable? Can one person transfer their germs to another more easily or can one person be sickened more easily if they are full of sugar? Yes. Sugar is the perfect breeding ground for germs. Germs and bacteria thrive in the presence of sugar. Often a mother will pass on the same digestive bacteria from herself to her children. If someone breaths germy breathe in your face are you likely to propagate the same germs in yourself. If you ever caught a cold or sore throat from someone sneezing in your face, breathing in your face, or using the same telephone that someone with a cold used you know this is true.

Is that person then “INSTILLING” their personality as a means of control, through the spread of their germs unto another? For example, by way of explanation, it is often said what we are is greatly influenced by what we eat. And that what we are is also heavily influenced by what is present in our digestive tracks or the bacteria and germs greatly unique to us that help us break down food. The bacteria and germs in our digestive track do regulate mood and behavior in us and make us unique. Indeed in the melting pot of the United States of America we are not all able to eat the same foods safely. People from Ireland are said to be prone to Celiac disease because they do not have the gene that helps regulate the digestion of wheat. Is it fair to say that white flour is not the best thing for them as sugar is also not the best thing for us? By the way, it is always better to toast your food and kill off some of the yeast before eating it, not only do toasted buns tastes better they also make you feel better after you have eaten them. Genes are indeed said to be changed, adapted and influenced in people throughout various times in their lives, sometimes leading to sickness. Some genetic changes do not lead to sickness. If you do not believe, germs in your digestive track influence who you are in terms of personality, character, integrity, health , vigor and intelligence try using some products that clean your digestive track out and see how much better you feel about yourself. In ancient times this way the purpose and intent of fasting. There are simple over the counter treatments that are often effective, safe and very inexpensive. Are people more easily controlled if their food is full of sugar? Yes, because sugar makes them weaker.

Are your grocery stores filled with slave trader feed foods laced with sugar? In society we do not have to force people to eat the stuff anymore. They just seek to on their own.

Everyone knows that people from foreign countries often get sick eating food they haven’t had before that does not make locals sick. But we have only recently in our history learned why.

Is this a main benefit to our slave traders today at the expense of the health of our population? Is this indeed a great cost to our health care system? Are our modern slave traders a detriment to themselves and the rest of us? Do modern alchemist like unleavened bread and not know why? Ain’t this how they asked questions at the end of a Batman and Robin episode? I pose these questions to myself using the Socratic Method of thinking.

I feel very strongly about what I am saying, so strongly that I am not setting up store to sell you something here, even though I have the resources and knowledge to do so. I do not want to negate the knowledge and belief in what I am saying by you thinking I am motivated to profit from it. I am not, I wrote this to inform as is the purpose of all my writing. I am the son of two public school teachers. I will however provide you a link to the types of products I am speaking of, you are responsible for yourself and your health, not a slave ship’s captain long since dead.

God Bless Those Who Think For Themselves

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published at:

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