This website will have health secrets along the lines of folk or country wisdom that are helpful to one in everyday life and have saved me many a trip to the doctor.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
McDonald that is an Irish name?
The founder of a restaurant would be turning over in his grave if he knew what it did to Irishmen who are more prone to Celiac Disease today.
As an Irishman I have found this to be the sickest food that I have ever eaten. It should come as no surprise to them because I have written them an article telling them so.
If you want to change America a good place to start would be its popular culture diet. This should be more healthy. And it should all be Irishman approved, by me.
The meat in these hamburgers often turns my stomach. It is either the quality of the meat itself, how the hamburger meat was processed or the additives in it or it was cooked on hot plates that are not cleaned to be absent of germs, cleaning chemicals or other.
And once again I will tell you that mayonnaise is easily prone to breeding bacteria and has no place in our food.
Your onions taste nothing like onions, they taste like chives not onions.
Your ketchup and mustard are commodity items; Irishmen can taste and feel the difference when they compare it to organic. You slather that ketchup and mustard on there and no one could ever taste the meat underneath. My Irish father always complained about your food when I was young, but I always wanted to go there. Today I have become like my Irish father concerning your food and I am not afraid to articulate my concerns regarding it from the highest mountain.
The lightly toasted marshmallow bread often makes me lethargic, tired and then flue stricken. These buns are awful. I will not eat there.
For a while the chicken nuggets were safe but then these greasy germed delights gave me an ulcer. The sugar laden sodas on your menu do nothing for the health of the Irish American and lend to worsened ulcers, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Why the heck after so many years in business can you not find a healthier alternative to spew out of those tappers? You want to help Irishmen across the nation or world you ought to serve a nonalcoholic stout or a carbonated chicory type coffee drink.
Wake up Ronald and quit turning Irish Americans on your spit.
McDonalds I implore you to change for good for the betterment of surviving Irishmen all across this country. Your food needs to be cooked in a more home-style fashion with less preservatives.
In this day and age all your meat should be cooked to well done. Every single one of your hamburger buns needs to be toasted to a consistency throughout. Your salads have an odd crispness probably from some type of preservative. The grains in your wraps are awful and these wrapping would also need to be toasted thoroughly if you want to maintain your image. You are putting forth a bad image of the Irish name in every way at your restaurants. Your food is not healthy for Irishmen in any way. I cannot find anything on your menu that I can safely eat.
Your shakes and malts are also no good for the Irish prone to Celiac disease.
Your whole business makes me wonder if you are a plan by Satan to sicken and steal the souls of Irish Americans.
I have been made sick by your food so many times that I find the sight of your Golden Arches an eye sore. Your food contributes ever so subtly to the degradation and health of all Irish Americans.
You can take any action against me that you want, but I speak a very important truth concerning all Irish Americans. Your food exists to profit to the detriment of the health and well-being of all Irish Americans. All your food and processes should be approved by Irish Americans with Celiac disease otherwise you are a sickening disgrace to Irish Americans, Ireland and the United States of America.
I have given you plenty of time to clean up your act since I wrote to you with my concerns to no avail and must therefore now make them public.
It would be nice if those golden arches meant something positive and healthy to Irish Americans, I know they do not.
God Bless Ireland
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Slave Traders Feed Sugar
Originally published at:
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Relief From Night Time Allergies 09 12 2010
God Bless Those Who Buy One of These Through My Link
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Relief From Kidney Stones 08 15 2010
It seems to help relax me as well as provide relief from the sticking and binding pain of a kidney stone when reaching down for something.
I am doing this to all the water I drink in a day and at night in an effort to dissolve any stones.
And yes I have passed them before and almost blacked out from the pain of passing one. I then brought the stones to a doctor for analysis and found out they were calcium oxylate.
This remedey seems to be working for me. There is less pain and I am able to get more work done. It doesn't taste bad either. In effect what has been created is mineral water!
products link
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Always consult your doctor about alternative treatments and research them thoroughly yourself. When researching alternative treatments you should be concerned about toxicity levels and unique risks involved in the treatments that may be more applicable to you.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Nature of a Virus is Influence 03 09 2010
The nature of a virus is influence.
What is a virus we ask ourselves? We know viruses make us sick and that some can kill us. Are their some viruses that can make us well? Today we have developed the ability to link medicines to viruses to help the medicines become more effective as they reach targeted areas of sickness better. So we can truly say that in some form there are viruses that make us better.
They say a virus is a small strand of DNA. What is DNA, DNA are the building blocks of our genetic makeup. Our DNA goes a bit further than influencing who we are it determines who we are in terms of physical characteristics of being when we are born. As we grow and learn throughout life, does not learning happen through the process of influence? So learning and the environment determines who we are too. Viruses or DNA not of our own seek to change and make us different too. Therefore a virus being DNA can be said to be influence. And some do indeed make us sick and die. Viruses’ being strands of DNA that are able to infiltrate and fool our bodies at the smallest level with the result being sickness. Because they are able to fool our bodies so easily can it be said that they are the greatest liars? Where did they masqueraders that are so similar to us fit in so well with our bodies own building blocks come from? Is it safe to say other forms of life, (people, animals, etc.) that our not our individual selves? Some if not most make us sick and die.
Be careful what you allow to influence yourself. What is the best way to avoid influence? To assert your rights by speaking your mind?
Unlawful orders do not benefit you to follow. They are the underlying nature of tyranny in our society. Let us prosper free from tyranny and its viral influence.
Can the insult from a sick mouth be said to be viral? It most certainly can.
Be yourself free from viral influence and as the army say’s you will, “Be all that you can be.”
Cleanliness is the way to avoid the spread of viruses. How many times have you heard someone say, “I don’t want your germs?” Make a pact with yourself to be clean and you will have a clean mind. Expect no less of others.
Know what are positive influences or teachings versus negative influence that are destructive to your work and viral in nature.
By definition the viral only seek replication and survival of themselves. And in and of themselves have no meaningful substance or good to them.
Once again DNA determines what we are. Accept that yours is pure and seek to keep it that way. Accept the potential of your own clean DNA, no matter what race or color you are and you will realize your potential of “All men are created equal, one nation, under god.” This is not meant as statement to be pure to your race. I believe you should marry who you love and respect everyone. I indeed find much beauty, both physical and spiritual, in people of all races. It means stay free from germs and negative influences directed at you in your life no matter who you are. Should you be made to feel you should respect a person that upon reflection was a negative influence to you? Do not negative influences come to fruition make your life worse and therefore less, just like a virus?
Here is a link to antiviral products:
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Stomach Ailments
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Bone Health
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Products to Clear Lungs
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Blood Thinners
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Products that are beneficial to Prostatitis
The Prosta Q listed was the only thing that cured my prostatitis after two courses of different odd sounding antibiotics failed.
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Products to help calm yourself down.
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Mental Boost
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Products to Help Promote Sleep
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Products I have used to build muscle.
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Liver 07 10 2010
The Liver 07 10 2010
The liver is the organ of the body that processes chemicals and helps rid the body of them.
Often people that are very fat have a liver that does not function properly. Many harmful chemicals are stored in the liver. Many viruses only attack the liver. I know what hepatitis smells like; it smells like someone is full of stinky fermented fish.
Chemicals like mercury and lead are eventually stored in the bones and as weight is lost through exercise and better nutrition they are flushed out of the bones and processed by the liver. This is why it is hard for people to lose weight and get healthy; there is a re-influx of these chemicals that were stored, into the circulatory metabolism. This influx causes weakness via toxicity to metabolic cells.
Some supplements are very helpful to chemical overload
Metal Chelating products
Milk Thistle
Reduced Glutathione
Activated Charcoal
Some of these supplements bond to chemicals and some help to strengthen a liver.
Use the Heavy Metal Cleanse after eating fish. Mercury is high in all fish. If want to know what death smells like smell the dark part of a fish just below the skin, you would never want your own liver to smell like this, so do not eat it.
Cysts often form around chemicals or parasites. It is part of the attack mechanism of the immune system.
When working out if you take a calcium pill such as CCA or Spectramin Chelate beforehand you will feel it being absorbed into your teeth and make them more strong and clean feeling or less porous with stronger enamel to your tongue. Taking these before a workout is a good idea as that is when your circulation and therefore delivery of them will be the greatest.
Chemicals are not just in our air and water. They are in our foods. My High School chemistry teacher loved to drink diet colas during class, her nickname incidentally was Bubbles. I remember one student asking her. “Why do they put all those ingredients in soda?” Loudly she tersely replied, “Because their good for you.” She died of a heart attack not long after we graduated.
God Bless Those Who Think For Themselves
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Histeria and Iron 07 10 2010
Diabetes and the Kidneys 07 10 2010
Diabetes and the Kidneys 07 10 2010
There was a mention in my mornings Investor’s Business Daily Newspaper about how fast food is increasing the prevalence of diabetes in Asia. How is there a linkage to fast food? I had to ask myself what differentiates fast food from other types of food? It has more fat, sugar, refined white flour, salt and shelf stabilizing chemicals, and it is often served with soda. I had to then ask myself how do these components lead to increased diabetes? The result of my thought process is the expose that follows.
All the things present in fast food are hard on the kidneys as they are foreign to our natural diet. Does a subtle degradation of kidney function occur after long exposure to fast foods? After prolonged exposure from eating these foods do the kidneys not recognize what needs to be filtered out? Does filtering out chemicals indeed foreign to our natural diets lead to subtle kidney failure? Does an influx of fat into the bloodstream lead to a temporary clogging and narrowing of the arteries that thereby increases blood pressure? For example if a pump, pumps at the same rate of force through a smaller pipe the pressure increases. This is a known fact in physics. Too much water pressure on a weak pipe or a pipe not rated for its pressure will burst the pipe, that’s why plumbing pipes are rated for pressure. Your kidneys are not rated to handle high blood pressure or the insult of a fast food diet. The increased pressure resulting from high blood pressure bursts and ruins the filtering mechanism of the kidneys. This causes a buildup of waste in the blood stream. Often the only way to then remove this waste is through kidney dialysis. A process whereby your blood is pumped through an external filter to clean it of impurities. I wonder how many of us considered normal would benefit from what doctors would consider un-needed dialysis, just like a car benefits from a new high efficiency oil change and filter.
Bottom line, if your kidneys are not able to remove as much sugar, it will build up in your blood. As it builds up in your blood your pancreas does not produce as much insulin. The sugar in our diets is much higher that our natural diets would be. This is because people like to treat themselves to sweet tasting foods that are readily available to make themselves feel better in our culture of idolatry and posture. In response to a long term diet to rich in sugar our pancreas has a life cycle in terms of producing insulin that is then less than what you want your life cycle to be. You drink a soda and go to the friendly man, Goober, at the pancreas pump to ask for some insulin to break down the sugar you had to have but didn’t need. And he says to you, we ran out of gasoline here a long time ago. This gas station is a relic or historical monument. Goober don’t know what to think of you city folk that built the expressway to the sugar fields that bypassed his small town gas station a long time ago.
Is diabetes a protection mechanism invoked by the body that can be reversed or at least prevented by what goes in our mouths? The body’s way of telling us that we have eaten too much sugar and our pancreatic life cycle and production capacity has been diminished? Can organs replenish themselves over time, if the right environment is created for them in our bloodstreams, as cell division occurs and new organ cells appear? Can we say such optimism can only present itself if we strive to monitor the quality of our blood by what goes in our mouths? Does this take a greater self discipline and greater knowledge? Do we truly love ourselves if we are able to do this? Other good health habits are required to be adopted in conjunction with this, such as regular exercise.
In college a coworker once punched me in the kidneys for smiling and being polite to his girlfriend. Later in life I also had kidney stones. They are made of calcium oxalate and very painful to pass. In turn I have developed the ability to monitor what it is in food that causes kidney pain. I do indeed have this sensitivity and analysis present in my body. I will now tell you what foods to avoid for kidney damage. Like potato peels stuck in a disposer, clogging and ruining it from electric motor overload these things, in addition to the components listed at the beginning of this article are bad. These foods are hard for the kidneys to filter.
Finely ground and badly filtered coffee
Powdered coffee creamers
Sports drinks
Powdered Sports Drinks
Sodas containing sugar
Too much cheese
Rice milk
Concentrated Orange Juice or for that matter any fruit juices on store shelves in liquid form, diluting these with filtered water before drinking it makes them less acidic and you will find them to be more palatable when diluted. Dilution is easier on your kidneys than concentrate.
Syrup- basically any kind, corn syrup, pancake syrup, corn sugar, molasses, syrupy and tasty gravies that are sugary.
Foods high in refined white flour. Sugary pastries are the worst.
Foods burnt on a charcoal grill
Foods high in salt. Salt increases blood pressure.
Nitrates and Nitrates, present in shelf stable meats
Monosodium glutamate, present in Chinese foods
Smoke or any foods smoked or that contain smoke flavoring, including some barbecue sauces. Barbecue sauces are a bad one. You are better off making your own in the absence of being able to look at label after label in the store and finding a good one to stick with.
Any food that contains a long list of chemicals, these are not part of our natural diet. Learn how to research chemicals that you see on food labels in terms of how they influence human health.
Things foreign to our bodies? Is that not how we define invader?
Chemicals are not just in our air and water. They are in our foods. My High School chemistry teacher loved to drink diet colas during class, her nickname incidentally was Bubbles. I remember one student asking her. “Why do they put all those ingredients in soda?” Loudly she tersely replied, “Because their good for you.” She died of a heart attack not long after we graduated.
Can people that have celiac disease be said to be blessed because they are forced to reframe from a diet rich in refined white flours. If you don’t get celiac disease are you more likely to get diabetes as you gobble down pastry after pastry.
Here are some supplements that are good for your kidneys.
Roex Adrenal support
Magnesium Citrate
Stone Free from Planetary Formulas
Some Herbs:
Corn Silk
Vitamin D3
The Amish beet juice Remedy
Often when you have eaten too much junk food the first sign of this is that your kidneys cannot handle this and the excess is excreted through your skin, often causing acne.
Does subtle kidney damage lead to diabetes in the first place? Does a twelve ounce sugar drink overload the kidneys? When the kidneys are overloaded is there cell health and life cycle compromised? How could your kidneys possible be forced excrete all the sugar, at once, from twelve once soda time and time again. Would not a subtle and often unrecognized form of degradation to them occur, even if tests say all is normal? Like metal fatigue on an engine part, even though it looks sound and strong on the surface it is more likely to break at any time than a new freshly and properly cast part of better metallurgy.
If your kidneys are not able to excrete the sugar, what then happens to your pancreas? It too is overloaded and gets an itis. It is means inflammation. Pancreatitis is very dangerous. It is a cause for a visit to the emergency room. And after healing occurs, if it does, it takes discipline to in dietary habits to treat thereafter. Pancreatic disease does not go away easy. Pancreatic cancer is often fatal. Your pancreas produces insulin. Insulin breaks down sugar into usable energy. Without a pancreas you’re dead.
The best way to get pancreatitis is to eat too much food and stretch your stomach out fat like a balloon. And then try and wash that food down with alcohol or soda. When you eat to much you distend the stomach into the surrounding area. Well what is directly under this ballooned out stomach and influenced by its pressure. The pancreas is directly under the stomach, so don’t you know the direction a distended stomach is induced to follow via gravity and the fact that is in an area somewhat concretely defined or made captive to expansion via the solid rib cage encompassing the stomach. Do we not find ourselves uncomfortable in a small hot room overcrowded, and exceeding capacity with voices spewing stinking breath? Can a compressed pancreas be considered an organ strangled of blood flow and revitalizing oxygen? Is a strangled organ subject to degradation? Is degradation made worse by the then presence of degridents? Organs have a flow system that must be maintained cleanly. A compressed organ does not live as long as blood flow and its metabolic processes are constrained. The backflow or stoppage of flow on a constrained organ can be said to be analogous to a backed up sewer system. Metabolic waste is present that should have been on its way. A compressed pancreas subject to the toxic effects of alcohol spells danger to the pancreas. Any sugar products, such as soda, are almost just as bad. But alcohol is the worst, as it contains sugar. Viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation and disease thrive on sugar. There is a high amount of sugar in alcohol. And the alcohol itself numbs and prevents oxygen from getting to the cell. Without oxygen the pancreatic cells just like our bodies as a whole would turn blue and die. When oxygen and metabolic processes are constrained or compromised by the pancreas just for little while cell death occurs. Cell death in some organs like the pancreas leads to a chain reaction of more cell death, as the organ is under pressure to handle the same work but with fewer cells. Oxygen transport to other adjacent cells is also limited by the presence of dead cells leading to further inflammation.
If you get a bad feeling in your stomach from certain foods or combinations of foods learn to avoid them.
God Bless Those Who Think For Themselves
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
The Triangle of Death 07 10 2010
The Triangle of Death 07 10 2010
I knew about the Triangle of Death long before I knew what it was called.
My understanding of it is this; The Triangle of Death refers to how the nerves in your nose and the blood flow from the top of your nose down to the upper corners of your mouth connect directly to your brain.
It is this way because as men, we are hunters by nature. And many of our decisions historically regarding game and life may have been made by our sense of smell.
If you don’t believe me you have never smelled a possum pass by and then feel nauseous. You have never passed by a rancid pile of crap in the woods and winced.
As primitive hunters we learned how to distinguish between different types of spore (Crap, pooh, shit) smells. This provided hunters safety and skills of cunning as they learned from this what game was near.
As I walk through the woods today, I may not always recognize smells, but I am certain my sense of smell does play some subconscious role, meaning, it is part of my thinking I am not aware of, in finding game.
Our sense of smell plays a much more prominent and greater role in our daily lives regarding the triangle of death today than it ever did. Do as I do to protect your triangle of death or nose.
Here is what you need. A bag of cotton balls that cost 88 cents and some plastic zip seal lunch bags.
Keep a bag full of these in each car you own, your garage where you keep your cars and gas cans, your workshop where you keep and use paints and cleaners. Near where you keep your barbecue grill items. Your laundry room and bathroom where you also keep highly aromatic compounds. Aromatic compound for the sake of this article means a substance liquid or gas that disperses rapidly in the air while still having a strong smell. These smells, odors and fumes do not belong in your brain.
Here is my recommendation, temporarily plug your nostrils at the surface when needed to avoid breathing through them. And by God do not stick the damn cotton so far up your nose so far that it becomes stuck and need to have it surgically removed, after which they say there is a need to keep you for observation. If you have bigger nostrils use bigger clumps. My cotton balls usually hang out of my nose a good distance so that I can easily pull them out. Consider them immediately disposable, do not reuse them.
To digress a little bit, if you find yourself out in the cold and you stick them in your ears with a good portion sticking out, to pull out easy, you have made yourself the best temporary hat you can afford.
Back to my recommendation regarding your triangle of death. Put the cotton in at the gas station when filling up.
When pouring gas into gas tanks on equipment.
When using power tools that spew out carbon monoxide exhaust.
When using any kind of paint, (paint thinners are the worst), all paints have oxidants in them, these are dryers, they dry the sinuses while at the same time infuse them with chemicals. This often leads to sinus vulnerability and infections.
When using alcohol, alcohol is a drying agent as it evaporates readily, alcohol rapidly dries out the sinuses and the surface of the eyes. And dry eyes are not as easy to see from. We might just like to see well when driving a car.
When using washing soda, this is another bad one, use a respirator to protect your triangle of death, use disposable gloves and splash proof goggles.
When using any glue
When using shower cleaners, they are terrible.
When using automobile fluid and chemicals, brake clean is the worst, as is freshly drained hot and dirty motor oil.
When washing your cars wheels, brake dust, that black stuff often contains asbestos.
When using bleach in the laundry
Use and be exposed to perfumes and deodorants sparingly. In terms of deodorants, the germs that cause body odor, live in the hair follicles, so shave your armpits like you do your beard and you’ll need to use quite a bit less of these, irritants. They are drying agents also. When your eyes are dry they do not see as well.
Anytime something smells, you get the picture, the smell of it is the key.
You also sometimes need to use splash proof goggles and disposable nitrile gloves. Protect your hands because the most likely place you use them is near your face. And if you get stuff on them it can infuse into your bloodstream through your skin or if you touch your eye after awhile it can still irritate it. If you use any type of anti-inflammatory skin cream wash your hands thoroughly many times because again you are likely to touch your face and eyes. Capsaicin in the eyes is likely to cause a condition called scleroderma where they white part of the eye comes loose from its fixing to the eyeball. This can be very painful and lead to an eye infection or worse, loss of the eye.
I once got some anti dust mite laundry detergent on my finger and it was numb for three days.
When done using and being exposed to all chemicals for the day use ¾ cup of warm filtered water and ½ teaspoon of kosher salt thoroughly dissolved in it to flush your sinuses and eyes. It has proven safe and effective for my eyes. Remember salt is a natural component of tears.
Is the world being poisoned and therefore destroyed through modern alchemy (meaning chemistry)?
God Bless Those Who Care For Themselves and Others
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy
Your Liver and Energy 07 10 2010
Your Liver and Energy 07 10 2010
A liver has to produce concentrated bile to digest fatty foods. That is work harder, like a muscle that gets that gets inflammation from working harder, so can the liver. Any word that ends in itis is an inflammation. Inflamed or weakened cells and organs are more vulnerable to viruses and sickness.
Fat eaten and not metabolized is more likely to form body fat. It has the basic building blocks for itself doesn’t it? It is best to balance fat intake or compensate for it with more exercise afterwards. When you eat fatty foods or foods high in sugar or with a high relative portion of sugar get in the guilt formed habit of feeling that you must burn it up in your metabolism through exercise. Also feel this way for refined white flour. Sometimes you can also eat a little fat after exercise to replenish your body’s energy, that is, if you didn’t eat fatty foods before also.
Along with this discipline of eating and exercising activity, incorporating all muscle from head to toe is the best method for burning fat. This is because increased circulation is achieved by these types of exercises. Martial arts classes are very good at toning the circulation system of the whole body. Swimming is another. Some of the machines at the gym that work both the arms and legs at the same time also help achieve this.
Increased circulation allows energy to be transferred to all areas more efficiently. With increased circulation you can indeed lose weight as you sleep. In order to maintain weight loss you also need to stay active and maintain increased circulation. Exercises that increase circulation to the abdominals in conjunction with the upper and lower body, allow increased circulation through the liver. As muscles are exercised circulation is increased to the areas near them. Tense abdominal muscles help digestion in the same way that toned muscles increase take back circulation though the veins. Strong abdominal muscles facilitate faster digestion, as digestion is a process of churning and flowing through a track (colon) facilitated by gravity and more so by inward pressure of a tight abdomen.
I once had a friend eschew me, and say to me snottily, “You know that exercise mat you said I should buy to do crunches, I never use it.” Tell someone to buy something that could save their life, add years to it and make them healthier and this is the thanks you get. Incidentally he has a variety of nasty diseases that he feels will never go away, including a distended belly, a mouth fungus and arthritis.
How many people do you know of that retire and then have to have their gallbladder removed? It is my belief that gallstones are the body’s way of defending its liver against flukes by coating them with gall which is said to be more readily formable in the presence of sugar and fat. As every snow flake forms and crystallizes uniquely around a particle of dust, what do gallstones form around? Or in alternative theory, what is using gall to cocoon itself. Passing a gallstone is like a round ball of glass is traveling through your gallbladder, you are temporarily paralyzed in pain as you try not to jostle around the gallbladder as they are passing. And once they are passed you feel like a reborn person. But gallstones are the subject of another essay. Going through a liver flushing program that utilizes apples, lemon juice and olive oil can be very beneficial but is also very dangerous. I did it and felt like a reborn person afterwards. But I will not recommend it to you, because you are likely to lose a night’s sleep from this as your body is put into high metabolism gear, and you have to resist puking the juice up and passing gallstones is very painful. If you did this you might end up throwing up god damned blood. I had gallstones so bad once that I did throw up blood and then sought for an alternative treatment for them, hence the flush. You can read about these flushes elsewhere. And by all means if you have gallstones, liver trouble or a family history of these, never drink alcohol again.
Here is a link to supplements that make for a healthy liver.
God Bless Those Who Think For Themselves
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy