Sunday, July 11, 2010

Diabetes and the Kidneys 07 10 2010

Diabetes and the Kidneys 07 10 2010

There was a mention in my mornings Investor’s Business Daily Newspaper about how fast food is increasing the prevalence of diabetes in Asia. How is there a linkage to fast food? I had to ask myself what differentiates fast food from other types of food? It has more fat, sugar, refined white flour, salt and shelf stabilizing chemicals, and it is often served with soda. I had to then ask myself how do these components lead to increased diabetes? The result of my thought process is the expose that follows.

All the things present in fast food are hard on the kidneys as they are foreign to our natural diet. Does a subtle degradation of kidney function occur after long exposure to fast foods? After prolonged exposure from eating these foods do the kidneys not recognize what needs to be filtered out? Does filtering out chemicals indeed foreign to our natural diets lead to subtle kidney failure? Does an influx of fat into the bloodstream lead to a temporary clogging and narrowing of the arteries that thereby increases blood pressure? For example if a pump, pumps at the same rate of force through a smaller pipe the pressure increases. This is a known fact in physics. Too much water pressure on a weak pipe or a pipe not rated for its pressure will burst the pipe, that’s why plumbing pipes are rated for pressure. Your kidneys are not rated to handle high blood pressure or the insult of a fast food diet. The increased pressure resulting from high blood pressure bursts and ruins the filtering mechanism of the kidneys. This causes a buildup of waste in the blood stream. Often the only way to then remove this waste is through kidney dialysis. A process whereby your blood is pumped through an external filter to clean it of impurities. I wonder how many of us considered normal would benefit from what doctors would consider un-needed dialysis, just like a car benefits from a new high efficiency oil change and filter.

Bottom line, if your kidneys are not able to remove as much sugar, it will build up in your blood. As it builds up in your blood your pancreas does not produce as much insulin. The sugar in our diets is much higher that our natural diets would be. This is because people like to treat themselves to sweet tasting foods that are readily available to make themselves feel better in our culture of idolatry and posture. In response to a long term diet to rich in sugar our pancreas has a life cycle in terms of producing insulin that is then less than what you want your life cycle to be. You drink a soda and go to the friendly man, Goober, at the pancreas pump to ask for some insulin to break down the sugar you had to have but didn’t need. And he says to you, we ran out of gasoline here a long time ago. This gas station is a relic or historical monument. Goober don’t know what to think of you city folk that built the expressway to the sugar fields that bypassed his small town gas station a long time ago.

Is diabetes a protection mechanism invoked by the body that can be reversed or at least prevented by what goes in our mouths? The body’s way of telling us that we have eaten too much sugar and our pancreatic life cycle and production capacity has been diminished? Can organs replenish themselves over time, if the right environment is created for them in our bloodstreams, as cell division occurs and new organ cells appear? Can we say such optimism can only present itself if we strive to monitor the quality of our blood by what goes in our mouths? Does this take a greater self discipline and greater knowledge? Do we truly love ourselves if we are able to do this? Other good health habits are required to be adopted in conjunction with this, such as regular exercise.

In college a coworker once punched me in the kidneys for smiling and being polite to his girlfriend. Later in life I also had kidney stones. They are made of calcium oxalate and very painful to pass. In turn I have developed the ability to monitor what it is in food that causes kidney pain. I do indeed have this sensitivity and analysis present in my body. I will now tell you what foods to avoid for kidney damage. Like potato peels stuck in a disposer, clogging and ruining it from electric motor overload these things, in addition to the components listed at the beginning of this article are bad. These foods are hard for the kidneys to filter.


Finely ground and badly filtered coffee

Powdered coffee creamers

Sports drinks

Powdered Sports Drinks

Sodas containing sugar


Too much cheese

Rice milk

Concentrated Orange Juice or for that matter any fruit juices on store shelves in liquid form, diluting these with filtered water before drinking it makes them less acidic and you will find them to be more palatable when diluted. Dilution is easier on your kidneys than concentrate.

Syrup- basically any kind, corn syrup, pancake syrup, corn sugar, molasses, syrupy and tasty gravies that are sugary.

Foods high in refined white flour. Sugary pastries are the worst.


Foods burnt on a charcoal grill

Foods high in salt. Salt increases blood pressure.

Nitrates and Nitrates, present in shelf stable meats

Monosodium glutamate, present in Chinese foods

Smoke or any foods smoked or that contain smoke flavoring, including some barbecue sauces. Barbecue sauces are a bad one. You are better off making your own in the absence of being able to look at label after label in the store and finding a good one to stick with.

Any food that contains a long list of chemicals, these are not part of our natural diet. Learn how to research chemicals that you see on food labels in terms of how they influence human health.

Things foreign to our bodies? Is that not how we define invader?

Chemicals are not just in our air and water. They are in our foods. My High School chemistry teacher loved to drink diet colas during class, her nickname incidentally was Bubbles. I remember one student asking her. “Why do they put all those ingredients in soda?” Loudly she tersely replied, “Because their good for you.” She died of a heart attack not long after we graduated.

Can people that have celiac disease be said to be blessed because they are forced to reframe from a diet rich in refined white flours. If you don’t get celiac disease are you more likely to get diabetes as you gobble down pastry after pastry.

Here are some supplements that are good for your kidneys.

Roex Adrenal support


Magnesium Citrate

Stone Free from Planetary Formulas

Some Herbs:

Corn Silk


Vitamin D3

The Amish beet juice Remedy

Often when you have eaten too much junk food the first sign of this is that your kidneys cannot handle this and the excess is excreted through your skin, often causing acne.

Does subtle kidney damage lead to diabetes in the first place? Does a twelve ounce sugar drink overload the kidneys? When the kidneys are overloaded is there cell health and life cycle compromised? How could your kidneys possible be forced excrete all the sugar, at once, from twelve once soda time and time again. Would not a subtle and often unrecognized form of degradation to them occur, even if tests say all is normal? Like metal fatigue on an engine part, even though it looks sound and strong on the surface it is more likely to break at any time than a new freshly and properly cast part of better metallurgy.

If your kidneys are not able to excrete the sugar, what then happens to your pancreas? It too is overloaded and gets an itis. It is means inflammation. Pancreatitis is very dangerous. It is a cause for a visit to the emergency room. And after healing occurs, if it does, it takes discipline to in dietary habits to treat thereafter. Pancreatic disease does not go away easy. Pancreatic cancer is often fatal. Your pancreas produces insulin. Insulin breaks down sugar into usable energy. Without a pancreas you’re dead.

The best way to get pancreatitis is to eat too much food and stretch your stomach out fat like a balloon. And then try and wash that food down with alcohol or soda. When you eat to much you distend the stomach into the surrounding area. Well what is directly under this ballooned out stomach and influenced by its pressure. The pancreas is directly under the stomach, so don’t you know the direction a distended stomach is induced to follow via gravity and the fact that is in an area somewhat concretely defined or made captive to expansion via the solid rib cage encompassing the stomach. Do we not find ourselves uncomfortable in a small hot room overcrowded, and exceeding capacity with voices spewing stinking breath? Can a compressed pancreas be considered an organ strangled of blood flow and revitalizing oxygen? Is a strangled organ subject to degradation? Is degradation made worse by the then presence of degridents? Organs have a flow system that must be maintained cleanly. A compressed organ does not live as long as blood flow and its metabolic processes are constrained. The backflow or stoppage of flow on a constrained organ can be said to be analogous to a backed up sewer system. Metabolic waste is present that should have been on its way. A compressed pancreas subject to the toxic effects of alcohol spells danger to the pancreas. Any sugar products, such as soda, are almost just as bad. But alcohol is the worst, as it contains sugar. Viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation and disease thrive on sugar. There is a high amount of sugar in alcohol. And the alcohol itself numbs and prevents oxygen from getting to the cell. Without oxygen the pancreatic cells just like our bodies as a whole would turn blue and die. When oxygen and metabolic processes are constrained or compromised by the pancreas just for little while cell death occurs. Cell death in some organs like the pancreas leads to a chain reaction of more cell death, as the organ is under pressure to handle the same work but with fewer cells. Oxygen transport to other adjacent cells is also limited by the presence of dead cells leading to further inflammation.

If you get a bad feeling in your stomach from certain foods or combinations of foods learn to avoid them.

God Bless Those Who Think For Themselves

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy

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